Petrol: embedding a type-safe SQL API in OCaml using GADTs
ocaml types sql api design
Databases are cool! Writing and maintaining interfaces between an OCaml application and a SQL database? Generally less awesome.
Broadly speaking, this is because:
a) many SQL interfaces don't support checking of SQL operations without running them,
b) SQL operations themselves are usually tightly coupled to the logic and data of a larger program, making them hard to run and test in isolation.
Putting this all together, we end up with statements that can easily become out of date with the underlying tables as they change, and problems that only show up at runtime when the erroneous queries are actually sent to the database.
Recently, I've been building a large SQL-based application in OCaml, and have found myself brushing against this problem with the libraries in the OCaml ecosystem, which mostly all fall into this pitfall, typically trusting user-provided annotations and delegating correctness checks to runtime (we will provide a more detailed comparison near the end).
After hitting SQL errors for the umpteenth time, this prompted me to investigate alternative embeddings of SQL in OCaml, and eventually culminated in a new type-safe embedded SQL API for OCaml: Petrol1
Notably, Petrol provides an ergonomic OCaml API that mirrors SQL's syntax, using a mixture cool features of OCaml, including GADTs and polymorphic variants, to statically enforce the well-typedness of queries and thereby eliminate any encoding or decoding related errors occurring at runtime time: Expr.[name;age] ~from:t
|> Request.make_many
|> Petrol.collect_list db
In the rest of this blog post, I'm going to present an overview of the different approaches to SQL embeddings that I considered in my journey, and how the various language features of OCaml helped to eventually lead to Petrol.
The status quo: Caqti
Let's start by taking a look at what is the standard approach for interfacing with SQL in OCaml: the Caqti library.
Caqti provides a high-level generic interface over SQL databases — SQL statements and queries are embedded as strings and annotated with appropriate types, and Caqti then automatically translates this into low-level operations that interact with the specific FFIs exposed by various database connectors.
Here is an example of how Caqti query are usually expressed2:
Caqti_request.find T.Std.int64 T.Std.(tup2 int64 string) {|
SELECT id, username
FROM Users
WHERE id = ?
(* - : (int64, int64 * string, [ `One ]) Caqti_request.t *)
Okay. That's quite a mouthful. What exactly does it mean?
In a nutshell, Caqti_request.find
is a
function that takes a 3 arguments and produces an SQL statement:
- an input type \(t_{\text{in}}\) — here, a single integer of type
, - an output type \(t_{\textit{out}}\) — a tuple of an integer and a string, captured by
T.Std.(tup2 int64 string)
, - a string \(s\) encoding a SQL statement with holes indicated by
– for our example, the operation is the following simple SQL query:
SELECT id, username
FROM Users
WHERE id = ?
Provided these arguments, the function returns a value of type
, which provides a reified
encoding of the requested SQL operation, and can then be evaluated
given a database connection and appropriate input values, and will
then return values of the declared output type. In this case, the use
of Caqti_request.find
reflects the fact that
we expect our query to return only one row as a result, Caqti provides
the functions Caqti_request.find_opt
for cases in
which zero or one or many rows are expected.
The key difficulty with working with Caqti here is that both the input types and output types are only checked at runtime:
- you have fewer input types than holes in your query? things go wrong
- if your rows have more values or different types than declared? bad things will happen
For a query as simple as the one above, manually checking the query is correct is fairly straightforward, but as you start introducing more and more complex operations into your code, manual inspection starts to become a far less appealing strategy:
T.Std.(tup4 int64 int64 timestamp (tup2 int int)) T.Std.(tup2 int64 string) {|
SELECT id, public_id
FROM Follows
WHERE (target_id = ? OR author_id = ?) AND DATETIME(COALESCE(updated, created)) <= ? AND pending = TRUE
(* - : (int64 * int64 * int * (int * int), int64 * string, [< `Many | `One | `Zero > `One ]) Caqti_request.t *)
In the project that served as the impetus for this post, I had several such queries of equal or greater complexity, and eventually found my productivity grind to a halt as my time became dominated with fixing errors as the SQL wrappers became outdated.
Can we do better?
A preliminary solution: macros
The problem we're facing is that our queries are only checked when they are executed, while maintenance would be easier if this checking were instead done at compile time. A natural solution then is then to implement this static checking logic as a macro, and this is exactly what I did as my first solution — in the rest of this section, let's have a look at such an interface and the problems that it fails to address properly.
The OCaml macro, henceforth to be referred to as ppx_sql
, was written
to entirely sidestep the mismatches that can occur between the code
and SQL by enforcing a single source of truth in the codebase: a
single file encoding all the tables in the program.
An example use of the macro looks roughly as follows:
(* really a ppx call, sugared to look like an expression: *)
let () = [%sql.declare_schema "../../resources/schema.sql"]
(* generate a wrapper type based on the corresponding table *)
type%sql.generate activity = SQL [@schema "Activity"]
First, the macro must be initialised by informing it where the schema
declaration file exists – in the snippet, this is done with the
string "../../resources/schema.sql"
Once the schema file has been loaded, the macro allows the user to
automatically generate a new type that encode the rows of a table
using %sql.generate
, and using the annotation [@schema "<schema-name>"]
to specify the particular table in question.
At compile time, the macro will read and parse the SQL file (yes, I had to implement a rudimentary SQL parser to make this work), and then search for a table declaration with the requested name:
CREATE TABLE Activity /* t */ (
id TEXT PRIMARY KEY /* uuid */, -- uuid of the activity
raw_data BLOB NOT NULL /* data: yojson */ -- json data
The macro uses the same syntax as the dialect of SQL accepted by
Sqlite3, but allows the user to specify additional information by
means of specific comments: here, the comments declare that the
decoded types of the rows should be more constrained than can be
expressed in SQL — in particular, the id
field should be a UUID and
the raw_data
should be a JSON object.
Using these annotations, the macro would then automatically generate an appropriate data type for the rows of the table, and implement an Caqti-compatible encoder and decoder for retrieving rows from the database:
type activity = {
id: uuid;
data: yojson;
let activity = (* Caqti decode and encode funcitions *)
Of course, generating types is nice, but the real motivation is to
handle queries. As it happens, ppx_sql
also does this:
let create ~id ~data (module DB: DB) =
(* automatically infer the appropriate Caqti encoding for the query: *)
let%sql.query create_activity_request =
{| INSERT OR IGNORE INTO Activity (id, raw_data) VALUES (?, ?) |} in
let res = (id,data) in
let* () = flatten_error @@ DB.exec create_activity_request res in
Lwt.return_ok res
In the above snippet, we use the %sql.query
macro invocation to run ppx_sql
and check that the query is a) well
formed, and b) infer the types of its inputs and outputs. In this
case, based on the OCaml types that we have declared for the fields of
the Activity
table, the macro is able to automatically infer that the
query takes two arguments, one of type uuid
and the other of type yojson
. Lastly,
because the SQL operation is an insert, the macro determines that the
return type is unit and returns 0 rows.
Note here, when I say infer the types, I do indeed mean infer — the macro implementation actually also contains a lightweight and wildly incomplete type inference algorithm for a subset of SQL. This inference algorithm recursively traverses the parsed query and automatically determines the types of arguments and outputs, and where possible, the multiplicity of the output (do we expect zero, one or more rows as results):
let type_of_sql_query_value all_tables (table_map: string StringMap.t) (tables: Types.table list) (value: Query_ast.sql_value) :
Query_type.core_type =
match value with
| Query_ast.C (table_name, column) ->
(snd (lookup all_tables table_map tables ?table_name column)).ty
| Query_ast.COUNT _ -> int
Putting it all together, we obtain a fairly nice and idiomatic interface to SQL that is able to automatically check the correctness at compile time, and it even works for some quite hairy SQL expressions:
let collect_follows_for_actor actor_id (module DB: DB) =
let%sql.query collect_related_follows_request = {|
SELECT id, public_id, url, raw_data, pending, created, updated, author_id, target_id
FROM Follows
WHERE (target_id = ? OR author_id = ?) AND pending = TRUE
|} in
DB.collect_list collect_related_follows_request (actor_id, actor_id)
|> flatten_error
While implementing this took a bit of engineering, requiring writing a parser, type checker and inference engine, once it was up and running, it was able to significantly reduce the burden of maintaining any SQL interface code.
Overall, this approach is quite similar to a couple of other
macro-based SQL wrappers in the ecosystem (notably ppx_rapper
) — I
ended writing my own macro here because the existing approaches don't
parse individual SQL schema declarations, but rather retrieve the
table definition from a live database, making it hard to embed in
source control.
While this embedding served me well for a while, I eventually started to also brush up against the limits of this approach:
- Can not easily represent migrations — because the macro relies on an external schema file to serve as a source of truth, it becomes difficult to reason about changes or migrations of database tables within the host program itself: either the source code would have to persist all prior versions of the schema, leading to massive redundancy, or more complex annotations would need to be designed to encode such versioned changes.
- No language support for writing queries — Because our macro handles parsing internally and requires SQL operations to be embedded as strings, this means that our embedding is unable to utilise the host languages features to aid developers to check their queries nor can editors provide granular language support when writing queries. This might be seem like a minor concern, but it ended up being a major blocker, because it meant that any changes to the database operations had to first be prototyped in a SQL repl before changing the code.
SQL syntax is insufficiently precise to derive a wrapper — Some properties of queries that are required to produce a Caqti query can't easily be statically inferred from just the SQL syntax. Consider the following query as an example:
SELECT id, created FROM Users WHERE username = ?
Recall that Caqti queries require specifying the number of expected rows from each query — answering this question is non-trivial: it depends on how data is inserted into the database in the rest of the program. If our database expects usernames to be unique, then this should return zero or one rows — if our application is written such that username values always correspond to a row in the table, then this should instead always return one row. If we only consider the syntax of the SQL query when designing the wrapper, then it becomes impossible to determine these more nuanced properties automatically.
Owing to these difficulties, I eventually migrated away from this compile-time architecture to a more ergonomic solution…
A type-safe eDSL using GADTs
Recall that we came to our macro-based solution because we wanted to do custom compile-time checks on our queries, incurring a large engineering cost to write our own custom validation and type inference logic. In language with a less expressive type system this really would be the only option, but, as it turns out, the features provided by functional programming languages such as OCaml or Haskell make it easy to encode such custom validation logic directly within the programming language itself3.
The mechanism that we will use to enable this is Generalised Algebraic Datatypes or GADTs. Many guides to GADTs can be found online (see the OCaml manual or Real World OCaml as two popular examples) — a proper introduction to the concept is outside the scope of this post. The rest of this section will continue assuming that the reader has at least a basic understanding of the concept, and illustrate a typed SQL DSL encoding in OCaml.
At a high level, GADTs extend the type system to allow constraining the type parameters of a datatype by its constructors:
type 'a ty =
| INTEGER : int ty
| REAL: float ty
| TEXT : string ty
| BOOLEAN: bool ty
Here, this ty
type encodes a number of
common SQL types and uses the type parameter to encode their
corresponding OCaml representation — for example, integers in SQL,
are encoded in this type using the constructor INTEGER
. The type of this constructor is explicitly
constrained to be int ty
reflecting the fact
that SQL integers are represented in OCaml by int
For the simple type above, it can be hard to see the benefits of GADTs, which really only kick in when you have more complex data-types. One standard examples of such a GADTs is an encoding a typed expression language:
type 'a expr =
| ADD : int expr * int expr -> int expr
| SUB : int expr * int expr -> int expr
| AND : bool expr * bool expr -> bool expr
| OR : bool expr * bool expr -> bool expr
| CONST : 'a * 'a ty -> 'a expr
Here, we have a type 'a expr
which represents
a well typed expression with type 'a
. The
"well-typedness" of our expressions is actually enforced by types of
each constructor — for example, an addition ADD (x,y)
of type int expr
i.e. returning an integer, is itself declared to only take
sub-expressions that are of type int expr
While working with constructors directly may seem a little heavyweight, we can introduce some simple functions over them to produce a fairly ergonomic interface that looks almost exactly like vanilla OCaml code:
let i vl = CONST (vl, INTEGER)
let (+) x y = ADD (x,y)
i 1 + i 10 (* : int expr ==> 1 + 10 *)
Hopefully this should be sufficient to give the intuition for the standard technique of encoding type-safe DSLs using GADTs, and hint at the plan of providing a type-safe API around SQL queries: we define a GADT-based encoding of the expressions and statements of SQL and then provide helper functions to construct terms in this language. By using the type parameters of the GADT to encode the well formedness of our terms, we can then use the host language's type system to directly check our DSL. Furthermore, as our SQL expressions are simply first-class values in OCaml, they can easily be passed around, manipulated and abstracted over to simplify writing queries and handling meta-operations such as migrations.
Beyond just expressions, the full embedding has to also provide GADT types to encode table schemas and SQL statements (SELECT, INSERT etc.). We will skip over the encoding of tables as it is fairly mundane, however encoding queries requires some nuance:
type (_, _) query =
| SELECT : {
exprs: 'a expr_list;
where: bool expr option;
} -> ('a, [> `SELECT]) query
| DELETE : { ... } -> (unit, [> `DELETE]) query
| UPDATE : { ... } -> (unit, [> `UPDATE]) query
| INSERT : { ... } -> (unit, [> `INSERT]) query
Here, the trick we use is to include an additional parameter to the
query type (_, _) query
that statically
encodes additional information about the query: the first parameter of
the query represents the return type of the query, and the second
parameter is a polymorphic variant which captures which particular
type of query is being executed in the statement (either
By then constraining the types of our functions over this second parameter, we can then enforce additional well-formedness constraints on our typed DSL:
val where: bool Expr.t ->
('c, [< `DELETE | `SELECT | `UPDATE ] as 'a) t -> ('c, 'a) t
val order_by : 'b Expr.t ->
('c, [< `SELECT ] as 'a) t -> ('c, 'a) t
Here, a where query is allowed to be applied to SELECT
operations, but not INSERT
following the standard structure of SQL queries. Similarly, the
can only be applied to
operations as expected.
Putting this all together, we can use this technique to construct an typed embedded DSL with an idiomatic functional API:
Expr.[; LocalUser.username; LocalUser.password;]
|> Query.where Expr.(like LocalUser.username ~pat:(s pattern) ||
like LocalUser.display_name ~pat:(s pattern))
|> Query.order_by LocalUser.username
(* ^ type checker verifies well formedness of our syntax *)
Not only do the GADT's type parameters allow us to automate the process of encoding and decoding values to and from the database, our additional well-formedness constraints statically enforce that our queries will correspond to valid SQL syntax, using type inference to operate in a way that is transparent to the user. Finally, because our encoding of queries is simply a composition of functions, our interface is no-longer explicitly tied to SQL's syntax as with our macro, and we can introduce small extensions to allow the user to specify any information that can not be automatically inferred (such as the multiplicity of queries).
Related work: Other SQL embeddings in OCaml
Of course, the techniques presented here aren't anything new: the embedding that I have presented in this blog post is a fairly standard technique — the approach of encoding typed DSLs using GADTs is something that dates even as far back as their conception; other languages with similar type-system features such as Haskell or Scala already have had mature libraries providing such support for ages now.
Surprisingly, however, within the OCaml ecosystem, this typed embedding for SQL is fairly uncommon in libraries4.
Let's take a second to look at what other approaches to embedding SQL in OCaml are currently available in the ecosystem:
rel – Unreleased library by the eponymous Dbunzli; it provides a typed embeded DSL, somewhat in the same vein as what has been presented in this post.
It also follows the direction of defining schemas and types within OCaml directly:
let trackId' = Col.v "TrackId" Type.Int trackId let name' = Col.v "Name" Type.Text name let albumId' = Col.v "AlbumId" Type.(Option Int) albumId let table = Table.v "Track" Row.(unit row * trackId' * name')
Instead of designing the API to superficially look like SQL, rel instead diverges from SQL's syntax, and instead attempts to provide a dialect-agnostic way of describing the relational query you are trying to perform in an idiomatic way:
let person_age ~name = let* p = Bag.table Person.table in Bag.where Text.(p #.' = name) @@ Bag.yield (p #. Person.age') (* corresponds to SELECT p.age FROM person WHERE = $1 *)
Finally, Rel also has some optional live database interaction mechanisms — in particular, a function to attempt to automatically work out the schema for an existing database by using the reflection capabilities most SQL databases usually provide you.
val schema_of_db : ? -> t -> (Rel.Schema.t * string list, error) Stdlib.result (** [schema_of_db db] derives a best-effort schema value for the live database [db]. Note that the tables and rows and internal structure is not functional. It is however sufficient for schema renderings and computing schema changes. *)
Currently Rel is still unreleased and in development, so not ready to be used in anger.
PG'OCaml - a type safe API around postgres databases. It provides a string-embedded ppx-macro for writing SQL queries. The library is interesting in that it requires COMPILE-time access to the database, but as a trade-off, gives you fully automated inference of query parameters.
let get name = [%pgsql dbh "select salary from employees where name = $name"]
The main problem with this approach is that it's hard to write code that implements migrations in OCaml, as the code assumes the DB already has the correct schema.
Finally, PG'OCaml explicitly states that compatibility with other SQL services is explicitly a non-goal:
It doesn't work with other databases, nor will it ever work with other databases.
ocaml-sqlexpr - A string-embedded ppx macro that provides a SQL DSL. It doesn't integrate with Caqti and provides its own database interaction code. Inputs and output types of a query are not checked w.r.t a table schema, and rely on the user to keep them up to date.
S.iter db (fun (n, p) -> Printf.printf "User %S, password %S\n" n p) [%sqlc "SELECT @s{login}, @s{password} FROM users"];
ppx-rapper - Another string-embedded ppx macro. Notable in that it vendors the postgres parser to ensure faithful syntax checking, but runs into the same limitations of ocaml-sqlexpr.
let users = [%rapper get_opt {sql| SELECT @int{id}, @string{username}, @bool{following}, @string?{bio} FROM users WHERE following = %bool{following} and username IN (%list{%int{ids}}) |sql}]
ocaml-gensqlite - another string-embedded ppx-macro that requires user to explicitly annotate queries with types and automates the construction of an idiomatic wrapper around the query:
let (_, insert) = [%gensqlite dbh "INSERT INTO users(name, password) VALUES(>@username, >@pass)"] let () = insert ~username:"beakybird" ~pass:"supersecret" ()
ocaml-ezsqlite - ezsqlite implements wrapper over the Sqlite API, queries are submitted as strings, and result types must be explicitly supplied by the user.
let stmt = Ezsqlite.prepare db "CREATE TABLE testing (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, a TEXT, b BLOB, c INT, d DOUBLE);" in Test.check t "Create Table Step" (fun () -> Ezsqlite.exec stmt) () in
lemonade-sqlite - provides a monadic stream based API over a Sqlite db. The library is less concerned about type-safety of queries and more about being able to express stream-like transformations of data in a SQL database ergonomically.
let really_insert batch = let ( @ ) = Sqlite.S.append in really_insert_index batch @ really_insert_query batch @ really_insert_response batch in Sqlite.insert (Sqlite.S.(concat (map really_insert stream))) handle
- postgresql-ocaml - low-level wrapper around postgres' C-api. Queries are submitted as strings. No embedded DSL or type-based guidance for the user.
- pgx - another postgres API wrapper – slightly higher level than postgresql-ocaml, but queries are submitted as strings – no host-language support for ensuring and maintaining SQL queries.
- sqlgg - somewhat orthogonal tool. Generates driver code (for a variety of backends including OCaml), given a set of SQL schemas and queries. Could be used for migrations as well, but overall somewhat unwieldy, as the SQL queries have to be maintained separately.
To wrap up, through our goal of interfacing OCaml with SQL, in this post, we've explored a number of different ways of embedding a DSL such as using plain strings or various kinds of macros, before settling on a typed-DSL implementation using GADTs.
While the former approaches are apparently fairly common in the OCaml ecosystem, the superficial embedding style typically results in either the lack of any static analyses for the DSL, or, a significant amount of effort (writing type-inference/checking algorithms) to re-implement static support in the host DSL.
In our case, by following well-known PL practices of using GADTs and directly representing the SQL AST in our code, we were able to obtain an ergonomic and idiomatic OCaml API to write SQL code, while being able to use the type-checking and inference facilities of the host language entirely for free.
As for a more general takeaway from this investigation, consider the following: when programming in functional languages like OCaml, before you turn to meta-programming, see if advanced features such as GADTs can be used to embed your desired checks within the host language directly.
TL;DR? OCaml now has a new and shiny typed eDSL for expressing SQL tables and queries:
More recently, Caqti has adopted a slightly more ergonomic interface to its declaration style, which more closely looks like type ascriptions:
(T.Std.(tup4 int64 int64 int (tup2 int int)) -->* T.Std.(tup2 int64 string)) @:- {|
SELECT id, public_id
FROM Follows
WHERE (target_id = ? OR author_id = ?) AND DATETIME(COALESCE(updated, created)) <= ? AND pending = TRUE
However, it still suffers from the problem that queries are only checked at runtime.
This also means that we can reuse all of the host langauge's type inference and checking capabilities for our domain specific language for free.
At least on the libraries I've seen on opam