Bloom filters debunked: Dispelling 30 Years of bad math with Coq!
#projects #research #coq #verificationIntroduction
There's this rather nifty feature of modern web browsers (such as Firefox or Chrome) where the browser will automatically warn the user if they happen to navigate to a "malicious" URL:
While conceptually simple, this feature actually requires more engineering effort than one would expect - in particular, tracking the set of known malicious URLs in a practical manner turns out to be somewhat difficult.
This is because, on one hand, trying to store the database of all known malicious URLs, which, bear in mind, may contain millions and millions of entries, is something that is just practically infeasible for most users.
Conversely, sending every URL that a user visits to some external service, where it could be logged and data-mined by nefarious third parties, is something that most users should probably not be comfortable with.
As it turns out, browsers actually implement this functionality by means of a rather interesting compromise1.
Using a probabilistic data structure known as a Bloom filter, Browsers maintain a approximate representation of the set of known malicious URLs locally. By querying this space-efficient local set, browsers will only send up a small proportion of the honest URLs.
This proxy technique, which safe-guards the privacy of millions of users ever day, depends on two key properties of Bloom filters:
- No false negatives
- This states that if a query for an URL in the Bloom filter returns negative, then the queried item can be guaranteed to not be present in the set of malicious URLs - i.e the Bloom filter is guaranteed to return a positive result for all known malicious URLs.
- Low false positive rate
- This property states that for any URL that is not in the set of malicious URLs, the likelihood of a Bloom filter query returning a positive result should be fairly low - thus minimising the number of unnecessary infractions on user privacy.
This mechanism works quite well, and the guarantees of a Bloom filter seem to be perfectly suited for this particular task, however it has one small problem, and that is:
In fact, as it turns out, the behaviours of a Bloom filter have actually been the subject of 30 years of mathematical contention, requiring multiple corrections and even corrections of these corrections.
Given this history of errors, can we really have any certainty in our understanding of a Bloom filter at all?
Well, never fear, I am writing this post to inform you that we have
just recently used Coq
to produce the very first certified proof
of the false positive rate of a Bloom filter, finally putting an end to
this saga of errors and returning certainty (pardon the pun2) to a
mechanism that countless people rely on every single day.
In the rest of this post, we'll explore the main highlights of this research, answering the following questions:
- What is a Bloom filter?
- Why did these errors initially arise?
- What is the true behaviour of a Bloom filter? and how can we be certain?
This research was just recently presented at CAV2020 under the title "Certifying Certainty and Uncertainty in Approximate Membership Query Structures", you can find the paper here, and a video presentation of it here.
The code and proofs used in this research project are FOSS, and can be found on the Ceramist repo:
What is a Bloom filter?
So what exactly is a Bloom filter? and how exactly does it achieve these important properties?
Well, put simply, a Bloom filter is a simply a combination of two separate components:
- A bit-vector of bits.
- and a sequence of hash functions.
To use the Bloom filter as an approximate set, we can perform the standard set operations as follows:
- Insertion
- To insert a value into a Bloom filter , simply hash it over each one of the hash functions, and treating the hash outputs as indices into the bit-vector, raise the corresponding bits.
- Query
- To query for a value in the Bloom filter, once again hash it over each one of the hash functions, and then check whether all of the corresponding bits are raised.
These operations, while fairly straightforward, are actually entirely sufficient to ensure the No false negatives property (see here for Coq statement):
When an item is inserted into the Bloom filter, it will result in a certain subset of the bits in the bit-vector being raised. As there are no operations that can unset these bits, we can be certain that any subsequent query for the inserted element must return true. In other words, if we get a negative result for a query, we can be certain that the item has never been inserted into the Bloom filter before.
This is the case for negative results; things get slightly more interesting for positive results due to the possibility of false positives.
To see how this may occur, consider the following scenario:
- Suppose we insert a value into a Bloom filter :
- Inserting this value will thus result in a subset of the bits in the bit-vector being raised.
- At a later point, we may choose to query the Bloom filter for a different value .
- Depending on the choice of hash functions, there is a possibility that the corresponding set of bits that maps to will be a subset of those that are already raised.
- In this case, our query would return a positive result even though is not actually in the Bloom filter.
Ideally, we'd like to characterise the frequency at which these kinds of results may occur, however this will generally be highly dependent on the particular choice of hash functions, limiting the scope of our analysis.
As is the standard approach for these kinds of data structures, in order to get a more general result, we can instead treat the hash functions and their outputs as random (more on this later).
With this modelling assumption, the property of interest now becomes the False positive probability - that is:
- False positive probability
- After inserting elements into an empty Bloom filter , the probability that querying for an unseen value returns a positive result.
As part of the analysis accompanying the original description of the Bloom filter (by Burton Howard Bloom in 1970), Bloom provides a derivation for the false positive rate.
Bloom's Analysis
Note: The analysis used by Bloom in his original paper actually uses a slightly different definition of a Bloomfilter than the one that is typically used (Bloom assumes that the hash functions are distinct, which is typically hard to achieve in practice) - I present the following as being "Bloom's" analysis to follow the narrative, but in fact this proof is based on the Knuth's variant of the Bloomfilter, so Bloom is not the one who originally introduced the error.
Bloom proposes we begin the analysis by focusing on the behaviours of an arbitrary single bit of the bit-vector, and then generalise the result at the end - for the purposes of illustration, suppose that this bit is .
Now, let's have a look at what happens when we hash an input over one of the hash functions in the Bloom filter.
As we're treating the hash functions as random, the hash outputs can be thought of as being uniformly randomly distributed over each possible bit.
As such, the probability that the hash function happens to hit our selected bit will simply be - 1 over the number of bits - . Obviously, this naturally also means the probability that the hash output misses our selected bit will just be .
From here, as all the hash functions are also independent, this means that the probability that our selected bit remains unset, even after executing all the hash functions, will be .
In fact, provided that the list of elements to be inserted is unique, this independence argument actually generalises over all the hash invocations, and thus we can conclude that the probability that our selected bit is not raised during the execution will be .
Inverting this expression, we derive that the probability that an arbitrary bit in the bit-vector is raised after inserting elements will simply be .
So far this derivation is entirely correct - this expression we have proven is actually correct (see here for a corresponding Coq proof), but it only applies for a single bit not a false positive result.
In order to generalise this result, Bloom then reasons that we can interpret the occurrence of a false-positive result as being equivalent to each of the bits selected by the hash functions being raised.
Thus, in the case that the bits are independent, the probability that this will occur is simply , thereby concluding the proof.
Makes sense? Seems correct? Well…
Crucially, this final step only works if the bits selected by the hash function end up all being distinct, which is not always guaranteed (even though the hash functions are assumed to be independent) - for a simple counterexample, consider the case in which all the hash functions happen to map the same bit - in this case the probability of a false positive (given the hash outcomes) will be and not .
So clearly this is not the correct expression for the false positive of a bloom filter. So what is?
True false positive rate.
In fact, 30 years after Bloom's original publication3 (1970), this error was noticed by subsequent researchers Bose et al. in a 2008 paper (see here).
In order to correct this issue, Bose et al. propose an alternative derivation which uses a balls-into-bins analogy to account for the possibility that the hash outputs overlap, and derive the false positive rate as being (see here for the Coq proof):
Unfortunately, while we now know that this new expression for the false positive rate is correct, 2 years after Bose et al.'s publication, other researchers actually found errors4 in their derivation, throwing further doubt on its validity.
This finally brings us to our research - Ceramist: Certifying Certainty and Uncertainty in Approximate Membership Query Structures, in which we manage to finally pin down the true behaviours of a Bloom filter by producing a certified proof of Bose et al.'s updated bound5 in Coq.
As we've proven this from first principles, it is highly unlikely any further errors will ever be discovered in this derivation, and as such we can be fairly certain that this new expression does actually model the behaviours of a Bloom filter correctly.
Interested? Learn more…
This concludes the high-level overview of the context surrounding our research and its importance6. Hopefully this has piqued your interest; there are many components of the work that I have not mentioned here for size constraints, such as:
- How can we encode probability in Coq?
- What is the exact derivation for the updated Bloom filter false positive expression?
- How can we extend this analysis to other probabilistic data
structures, such as:
- Counting filters?
- Quotient filters?
- Blocked Bloom filters?
(As a side product of the insight gained during our mechanisation, we even managed to construct a few entirely novel data structures - see the paper for more details).
If you are interested, I'd recommend either reading our full paper (see here), or checking out my presentation of the paper for CAV (see here).
The code and proofs used in this research project are FOSS, and can be found on the Ceramist repo: